Brunching over the weekend with a couple of friends, somehow our conversation led to women making the first move. This could be in jobs, society or even in relationships. But the one that triggered my gathering is the one involving dating/relationship. A good number of them thought the idea was strange and they would never dare. They were surprised when I told them I’m from the school of thought where making the first move shouldn’t be gender specific. They argued that making an eye contact with the opposite sex should be enough cue that they are interested in them. I then argued that sometimes the guy/individual may not be thinking in your direction. For some people, they might have a type and one’s physical appearance may just not be enough and it may take a level of conversation before the person changes their perception. I’m not sure if you get my point but what I’m trying to say is I believe in making the first move because you can control the people you would like to be associated with and the conversation in general. These are the reasons why I believe you should do so:-
You are in control
Approaching someone you would like to converse with/get to know puts you in control. You can control the rhythm of the conversation you would like to be engaged in. For instance, I would rather choose whom I would like to speak to in a gathering as opposed to them walking up to me.
It elevates your career
I find out that people are reluctant to ask for a role or more pay at the work place, this is mostly common among women. Making the first move by asking your boss for an added responsibility does not only show confidence, It also shows that you are up to the task and dedicated to your job. Most times, companies look to fill new roles by recruiting candidates outside the organisation instead of promoting their employees. It is simply because the employees haven’t shown enough confidence that they are up to the task.
Building relationships
Imagine making the first move on someone you like and you both end up being an item. Great relationships have been built as a result of this, you don’t get to know someone until you take an interest in them. What if they are all you’ve ever dreamed of ? Remember the answer is always NO if you never try.
Unlock another level of confidence
If you do this often enough, you will soon find out you are more confident. You won’t be tensed in meetings or nervous at interviews. You would have perfected your communication skills and you can dazzle anyone you come across. There are a whole lot of reasons to make the first move, my favourite is building lasting friendships!
Great post, making first move shouldn’t have to do with gender. I agree 🙂
Love this,it’s so educating, people need to know that making moves shows your level of confidence in every aspect of life.. thanks for this piece girl !
Thank ify. Anytime XX