Relationship status as a benchmark for quality of life

Haven’t lacked the slightest inspiration in putting a piece together for the blog, I’ve just been experiencing a lot of beautiful moments in my life which comes with lots of dedication and responsibilities so I find myself often distracted when writing.

Picked up my phone over the weekend to catch up with a friend, we were both chatting about work, goals and importance of self sufficiency, mainly me dishing out the advice as I’m “miss know it all”.  Coincidentally, a notification popped up on my phone about someone berating another woman because she’s unmarried. 

Obviously, our conversation drifted and we had a good laugh about how MOST married people project their insecurities on single people due to their inability of experiencing self-sufficiency. Most of them have lost their individuality as a result of this glorified institution they have been brainwashed to be part of. 

I think it’s the most ridiculous thing to use a person’s relationship status as a benchmark for their quality of life. Anyone who would even think that is empty, insecure and suffering from low self-esteem. 

Not everyone is comfortable with the society ruling their lives and making decisions on their behalf. Single people have a sense of individuality; they make their own decisions and are fully formed humans with the goal of experiencing life. I can tell you the loneliest people are mostly in marriages, Isolated as a result of the bondage they bestowed upon themselves and scared to let the world know they’re unhappy. You find them turning to their poor children for fulfilment.

Single people are out there being wholesome individuals, making choices and progressing as proper humans. They are not making sacrifices or commitments for individuals not worthy of their grace and time.

I hope people making such distasteful assumptions will gather enough courage to leave their unhappy marriages and actually live! Till then, let this type of thoughts die in your head. 

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