Would have loved to do a year in review, unfortunately the year hasn’t ended the way I planned. It was certainly a different year for me, celebrated some up’s and tried to stay afloat and survive the downs. I slipped out of my power, floated above on my own and watch life happen as every event unfolds. People showed me who they really are, the ones I cared for saw my weakness and preyed on it. I let their ugliness pull me to a dark place. I fought for my peace of mind and was forced to evaluate what really matters. I lost all control and had to learn the meaning of letting go in a hard way. For the first time in recent years, I couldn’t pep talk myself out of these situations. Thankfully I stumbled across pieces of papers, journals, postcards and notepads where I scribbled my goals on a regular basis which helped in lifting my spirit. On the bright side though, I did smash my goals for the year!
In 2020, I plan to intentionally spend my time with the people that love me and wish me well, I’m already making a conscious effort at Investing and nurturing those relationships.
I plan to be super consistent with any project that has my name next to it. I shall give it the same energy and effort I accord my day job and excel at it.
Travelling is still very dear to my heart and I plan to explore new destinations. I have been eyeing a wellness retreat in a beautiful destination, I hope to make that happen too.
2020 is the year I speak a third language, reignite my passion for football and learn to scuba dive.
Thankfully, healthy eating and exercising are already a part of me so I hope to continue at that pace.
On that note, Happy New Year and cheers to new beginnings:)